Thursday, February 26, 2015

My Take: A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall

A Little Something DifferentA Little Something Different by Sandy Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the such a sweet romance story.

This book revolves around two college students, Lea and Gabe, as told by fourteen points of view. Yes, fourteen. With a couple of them being quiet unexpected, and added to the quirky charm of the book.

Now when I heard about how many POV's were adding to this story, I was a little concerned that it would be jumpy and all over the place. I was pleasantly surprised at how beautifully it flowed together. I didn't feel lost or annoyed by it at all. In fact, it complimented the story.

For the first time, I really enjoyed each character I encountered here. Despite not having full background story on them, Sandy Hall was able to made each one of them interesting. I could read more about each and everyone of them and not get bored. Sandy Hall really demonstrated what a wonderful story teller she is.

This is a stand alone book, but I wish I could read more. I would love to hear the stories of the people we spent so much time listening to. The bus driver, the waitress, Maribel and the others.

This isn't a big epic book, that was meant to send us on a journey of grandeur or life changing ideas. It is a sweet, fun, happy read. And it is perfect in that way. I love this book and feel happier for having read it.

View all my reviews

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